About Höganäs

About Höganäs

About this report

This report presents the sustainability performance of Höganäs Holding AB, also called Höganäs Group, for the full year of 2019. As the operational responsibility for the ­Höganäs Group is delegated to Höganäs AB’s Board of Directors, the sustainability report focuses on Höganäs AB and its subsidiaries. The owners of the Höganäs Group are represented in Höganäs AB’s Board of Directors.

The report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option and in accordance with Swedish regulation (Årsredovisningslag) regarding disclosure of non-financial information. This report also serves as our annual Communication on Progress report following our commitment towards the UN Global Compact.

The report consists of a descriptive part and a GRI index with references. The web page on hoganas.com/sustainabilityreport2019 is the main publication. A PDF file with the same content is produced as the official appendix to the ­Annual Report. That PDF file is also available on the web page for downloading and printing.

Data presented includes in general all companies within the Group, i.e. Höganäs AB and its subsidiaries. Where exceptions are made, this is commented on. Management approach, boundaries, omissions and additional explanations are found in connection to each topic.

No significant changes to the organization nor the supply chain have been made during the reporting period.

The report has been approved by the Höganäs Board of Directors. The report has not been subject to external assurance.

The previous report was published in April 17, 2019. The reporting cycle is annual.

The list of entities included in the consolidated financial statements is found in the Höganäs Holding AB’s Annual Re­port 2019. Where exceptions are made, this is commented on.

There are some restatements in the reported figures for 2018 depending on reporting errors and changes in criteria for calculation basis. Where updates occur, a note is made in connection to the change.
There are no significant changes in reporting content other than the updated materiality analysis and strategy as ­described in the governance chapter.

You are welcome to address questions and feedback regarding the report to Senior Vice President Sustainability Nicklas Lång