Values and principles
We want to apply sound values and principles in all situations – how we meet, lead, develop and reward our people. To guide us, we have our management philosophy, More Höganäs, and our Code of Conduct. These values and principles give us a common platform on how to act and serve as a compass when facing crossroads.
We realize that there is always room for improvement and that we constantly need to evaluate how we work in order to be a better employer, manager and co-worker.
Code of Conduct implementation
In November 2019 a new version of our Code of Conduct was published together with an extensive launch pack consisting of an introductory film from the CEO, a knowledge assessment, and workshop materials, such as interactive films, scenario cards and a worksheet to be used as a basis for discussion.
The new version is more comprehensive and covers additional areas that have been brought to our attention since the previous version was launched in 2011. The code includes, for example, our stance on anti-corruption, human rights and environmental accountability. This new content calls for thorough implementation, which will be done over the next 1-2 years.
All managers are tasked with carrying out a workshop with their team, where different aspects of the code will be highlighted through scenario-based discussions. The first to work with the new code and the launch pack was the Group Management team, and the concept will be cascaded through the organization. All co-workers will go through the mandatory knowledge assessment during 2020, making sure that everyone has read, understood and is willing to comply with the code. This assessment will also be integrated as part of the mandatory induction training.
As part of the update, an improved system for reporting breaches of the Code of Conduct has been implemented, and an extensive internal information campaign has been carried out to encourage everyone to speak up when needed.
Equal treatment, diversity and no discrimination
We foster a culture that welcomes new co-workers from all backgrounds to quickly become a part of our global organization, with common employment standards and ways of working that promote diversity and inclusion.
We also realize that respect, equal treatment and equal opportunity are fundamental to being an attractive employer and we view diversity as a long-term success factor.
The global steel industry has traditionally recruited more men than women, which is something we want to change. At Höganäs, we see the potential in encouraging women to discover the opportunities within our industry. This helps us to access a larger pool of talent, and to become a more modern and attractive company to work for. One action is to establish the principle of 50/50 women and men on the long list of candidates in recruitment.
Höganäs’ target to increase the number of female co-workers to 25 per cent by 2021 is a great challenge. The results in 2019 show that we are at 16 per cent, which is the same level as 2018. However, 26 per cent of managers at level 1 and 2 are women, and we see potential to recruit more women at all levels within the organization.
One initiative during 2019 was our co-operation with the Swedish steel producers' association to bring forth a roadmap that describes the challenges of the mining and steel industry when it comes to finding employees with the right skills.
The “Competence Roadmap - The Way Forward for the Mining and Steel Nation Sweden” was launched 25 September 2019, in the presence of industry representatives and politicians. The plan describes what the industry, government and academia need to do to meet the demand for competence within the industry.
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80 per centof our workforce is covered by collective bargaining agreements |
Mens' salaries in average6 per centhigher than womens' salaries |
People’s opinion matters
We use our People Satisfaction Survey to detect problem areas and gather people’s opinions. The results serve as an important indicator of where we are and what we need to improve.
The results from the latest survey, carried out in December 2019, show high levels of accountability, high motivation and strong willingness to work hard across the organization.
However, our co-workers are telling us that we have to do more to revert the declining trend of being the best employer (2019: 5.2, 2018: 5.4 and 2017: 5.5) and recommend us as employer (2019: 5.4, 2018: 5.7 and 2017: 5.7).
We need to make sure that the benefits from the organizational changes carried out in 2017 and 2018 are fully utilized, as how we are organized is seen as one of the biggest obstacles for efficiency at work. We also need to act on the levels of perceived stress in parts of the organization. Group Management is taking on concrete actions to support the many local management teams in their specific needs. Actions are being discussed and will be implemented in 2020.