Most important topics
Our stakeholder groups have many prioritized areas of interest in common, for example topics related to health and safety, climate change and ethical business behaviour. But as expected there are differences as well, depending on how the stakeholder is affected by Höganäs’ activities.
We can see that among customers, and especially further downstream among our customers’ customers, the importance of climate related topics is ever increasing, explained by the high ambitions of climate adaption that these companies themselves communicate to the market. Other topics that rank high among customers are related to process stability, safety, customer relations, sustainable products and ethical business behaviour.
Our neighbours, i.e. people living close to our operations, understandably rank the local effects of our business higher, where health and safety, emissions, use of chemicals and exposures, as well as how we act towards people and society are among the highest rated topics.
Suppliers want a reliable customer and rank process stability, ethical business behaviour and responsible sourcing among the most important topics.
The Board of Directors expressed health and safety management with the objective zero accidents, climate strategy and business adaptation to a low carbon society as the top priorities. But it also pointed out the importance of sustainability being an integrated part of the business strategy.
Reflections from the Board of Directors“Time has passed from when one could do a strategy and later think about sustainability. But, on the other hand, we are not helped by some sustainability experts that says ‘this is something you have to stop at once’.” “Safety is a priority, but we are not progressing towards our goal at a desired pace.” |
Echoes from industry organizations“Climate change is in focus, finding new materials and new ways of working to lower the footprint. The future of the industry is at stake.” “Recruitment and employer brand is crucial.” |