

Emissions to air and water

Water discharges and air emissions are calculated based on local monitoring carried out to cover the needs for function control and compliance with environmental permit limits. As a result, not all sites report on all substances and the consolidated figures may therefore not cover all actual discharges.

Air emissions

Our production processes generate air emissions both via stack and as fugitive emissions. Stable production processes and preventive maintenance of process equipment is key in avoiding both fugitive and stack dust releases.

To minimize stack emissions, all large point sources are equipped with filters. Local environmental control programmes typically include monitoring emissions such as nitric oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), metals to air, and other substances of concern, depending on the nature of the process.

To prevent fugitive emissions, raw materials and products (metal powders) are handled in closed processes whenever possible. In-house storages and sealed transport ­containers of materials are used to prevent particles from spreading. However, the site in Höganäs, Sweden, bulk transports by ship where unloading must be done in the open.

Slag handling, including sorting and transporting to internal landfill, is generally carried out in open air at all slag production sites. Special procedures including watering, road sweeping, landfill covers, etc, are used to minimize emissions from the open handling. A combination of paved roads and working areas, and a programme for keeping the sites clean at all times, minimises secondary dust emissions.

Read more about our GHG emissions

Air emissions, tonnes 2019 2018
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) 120 120
Sulphur Oxides (SOx) 40 40
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 120 140
Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NMVOC) 8 9
Metal and dust emissions to air 2019 2018
Iron (Fe), kg 9,800 11,600
Chromium (Cr), kg 7,610 9,000
Zinc (Zn), kg 1,050 1,500
Nickel (Ni), kg 580 110
Copper (Cu), kg 80 60
Lead (Pb), kg 70 70
Cadmium (Cd), kg 10 10
Mercury (Hg), kg 2 2
Total dust, including metals to air, tonnes 60 80
PM10, tonnes 40 45

Water discharge

We need to continuously assess our water footprint and make sure we do not contribute to negative developments. We monitor our discharges of metals to water and measure other substances of concern. Terms for water discharges are stipulated through environmental permits according to national legislation where our operational sites are located.

Discharges of substances to water, kg 2019 2018
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) 10,770 9,230
O&G (Oil and grease) 700 170 *
N-tot (Nitric nutrients) 390 380
TS (Total Solids (TSS+TDS)) 4,630 5,370 *
* Values for 2018 are updated due to detected reporting errors

Discharges of substances to water, kg 2019 2018
Iron (Fe) 460 600 *
Zinc (Zn) 130 290 *
Nickel  (Ni) 50 90 *
Copper (Cu) 20 20 *
Chromium (Cr) 20 20 *
Lead (Pb) 10 2 *
Cobalt (Co) 20 1
Arsenic (As) 2 < 1
Cadmium (Cd) < 1 < 1
* Values for 2018 are updated due to detected reporting errors 
Water discharges are calculated based on local monitoring carried out to cover the needs for function control and compliance to environmental permit limits. As a result, not all sites report on all substances and the consolidated figures may therefore not cover all actual discharges.