

Health and safety

Safety is a top priority and we have a zero accident vision. We also strive to create a healthy work environment to prevent work related ill-health. Höganäs deploys a preventive and systematic approach to health and safety. The technical and physical aspects of managing risks in our operations are paired with a zero accident culture where behavioural change is key to success.


Health and safety, co-workers 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Number of recordable injuries* 221 164 201 165 167
Number of lost time injuries** 34 37 39 34 41
Number of high-consequence work-related injuries 0 1 0 2 0
Number of fatalities 0 0 0 0 0
Lost time injury frequency per million hours worked 7.6 8.2 9.7 9.8 11.9
Recordable injury frequency per million hours worked  49.3 36.5 49.8 47.5 48.4
Incident reporting frequency*** 63.1 53.0 52.8 53.8 23.2
Sick leave rate 3.7% 3.8%      

* Including all reported injuries with or without absence from work and commuting accidents.
** Including injuries and commuting accidents leading to absence from work.
*** Reported risk observations, near misses and accidents per lost time accident.