Höganäs presents at the UN Ocean Conference in New York
Next week the UN Ocean Conference kicks off in New York. Höganäs will be there presenting Cleanit®, our innovative technology for achieving clean drinking water.
Madan Tandukar and Nicklas Lång will present during the side event Swedish Initiatives for Agenda 2030. They will also present MINRENT, an industry-wide project where byproducts from the Swedish steel industry is used for water purification.
The presentations will be held during a side event, Swedish Initiatives for Agenda 2030 that is arranged at the UN headquarters. The aim of the side event is to emphasise the Swedish industry's will and ability to act as a motor in the change process needed to transform into a sustainable world. The event is organised by the Swedish Steel Producers' Association (Jernkontoret), The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) and Zero Vision Tool.
Watch a video about MINRENT here.