2018/12/14 Sustainability

We receive Höganäs Municipality’s environmental grant

On 13 December, we were presented with Höganäs Municipality’s environmental grant at a formal event in the town hall. “It’s wonderful to be able to acknowledge Höganäs’ environmental work for residents of the municipality in this way,” says Margareta Widell, Chair of the municipality’s environment committee.

“Environmental work is equally important at all levels, and in the past we have mostly acknowledged smaller actors. This time we wanted to show our appreciation for our supplier of residual heat and thank them for their ongoing major initiatives for the environment,” says Margareta.

Höganäs receives the prize with the following citation

“In recent years, Höganäs has carried out major initiatives to reduce the company’s environmental impact. The company supplies waste heat to the municipality’s district heating network and takes biogas from the municipality’s treatment plant. The company has also, in partnership with Cortus Energy, built a facility that will produce syngas and bio-coke from biomass. The plant is expected to reduce the company’s carbon dioxide emissions by around 10,000 tonnes a year, and is an element of the company’s goal to be totally fossil-free. The technology has the potential to be used in many other industries, primarily in the metal industry, which is currently a very major source of carbon dioxide emissions, not just in Sweden, but in the rest of the world.”

“It feels amazingly good for us to receive the environmental prize. We are proud that Höganäs Municipality has acknowledged our work to develop fossil-free products. The prize both inspires us and spurs us on to continue our environmental work,” says Nicklas Lång, who works with sustainability-related issues at Höganäs.

Money to be donated to the Jonstorp scout troop

The award is presented every year to an individual person, company or organisation that is active within Höganäs Municipality and has made outstanding contributions in the environmental area. The grant is worth SEK 15,000 and can be shared among several recipients.

“As for the money, we have chosen to donate it to the Jonstorp scout troop, which does amazing work by letting children and young people learn about and care for nature. We feel that the Jonstorp scout troop stands for and conveys many of the values that Höganäs stands for as a company,” says Magnus Pettersson, who works with energy-related issues at Höganäs.

From the left: Nicklas Lång, Margareta Widell (Chair of the municipal council’s environment committee), Anneli Gille (Environment Manager, Höganäs Municipality), Magnus Pettersson.


Emma Lefdal
VP Corporate Communications