2019/04/17 News

Höganäs launch Sustainability report 2018

Today, we launch our sustainability report. Here you can read all about our important sustainability work and our challenges going forward.

Did you for example know that we work to replace fossil process coal with renewable alternatives, we strive to increase diversity and can contribute positively to sustainable development by offering our products to the market?

16% female co-workers. Our target is to increase the number to 25% by 2021.

16% of our direct material suppliers accepted our Code of Conduct for Suppliers.

83% of all process waste and side-stream materials were sold as products, sent for external use or reclaimed internally.

8.7% decrease in specific energy use compared to 2010. Our goal is 10% reduction per produced tonne of metal powder between 2010 and 2020

Read the Sustainability report 2018


Emma Lefdal
VP Corporate Communications