11/10/2016 Soft magnetic composites

The Effect of Manufacturing Processes on the Properties of Multi-layer Coated SMC Components

Multi-layer coated pure Fe-based soft magnetic material is a recently developed new generation of Soft Magnetic Composite (SMC) which has low hysteresis core loss due to its thermally stable, high temperature electrical insulation coating. These SMC materials can preferably be used for various electrical machines and other inductive components designed for higher operating frequencies up to several kilo Hz. Both magnetic properties and other performance of a SMC component depends not only on the powder material itself, but also on the component manufacturing processes.

This paper investigate the effect of the manufacturing processes, including compaction pressure, die temperature, heat treatment
temperature, heat treatment time as well as heat treatment atmosphere, on the final properties of the SMC component. Finally, a proposal of an optimised process recommendation for the manufacturing of Somaloy®5P components is made.