29.01.2019 Press release

Hans Keller joins Höganäs as new President for Product Area Surface & Joining Technologies

Hans Keller joins Höganäs as President Product Area Surface & Joining Technologies on 1 March 2019. In this position, Hans will drive the development of Höganäs’ products and applications within the technology areas surface coating, brazing and welding. Presently, he serves as Vice President Business Development at Oerlikon Metco.

“Hans brings with him a deep and broad experience from the business, which will be paramount for Höganäs, now that we have set an ambitious growth and development agenda, not least for Product Area Surface & Joining Technologies,” says Fredrik Emilson, CEO.

Hans Keller started his career at H.C. Starck and held various leading positions in the company until he joined Oerlikon Metco in 2012. Höganäs acquired the division Surface Technology and Ceramic Powders (STC) from H.C. Starck in March 2018 and Hans will now assume responsibility for parts of this business.

“I look forward to joining Höganäs and being a part of the new and stronger company, where Höganäs’ long tradition in metal powders is coupled with STC’s well established position on the Thermal Spray industry,” says Hans. “I believe Höganäs is in a good place, and I will focus on making us even better.”


Emma Lefdal
VP Corporate Communications