23.09.2020 News

Covid-19 update from Höganäs

Höganäs is closely following the development of Covid-19 and follows recommendations from relevant national authorities and international organizations. We are taking precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of employees, to minimize the impact on our operations and to prevent further spread of the coronavirus.

Covid-19 update from Höganäs AB

In these challenging times, we are continuing to stay close to our customers to understand their needs and we are doing everything possible to support customers to maximize their production capacity and performance.

To minimize the risk of exposure to the coronavirus for our customers and employees, Höganäs has restricted non-essential international business travel. All international travel is prohibited but there are exceptions if the purpose is deemed business critical. We encourage everyone to use digital channels to communicate with customers and suppliers. We use phone calls, digital meeting tools and e-mail in all customer communications until further notice.

Currently, Höganäs has a large number of employees working from home globally. The decision to let co-workers who can work from home to do so is activated site by site based on local site and country situation, governmental recommendations and depending on what other measures are put in place in the country to keep a safe form of social distancing.

As of today, all Höganäs’ main production sites are up and running. We have a good stock of raw materials and are in constant contact with our suppliers. There is no indication of a shortage of raw materials. We see that the activity level in the automotive segment is increasing, which is encouraging. The OEMs are continuing to ramp up production, although manufacturing numbers for 2020 point towards a significant drop compared to 2019.

As a global company, we have an organizational set-up to deal with potential issues that our company may face, to ensure the health and safety our employees and to minimize the impact on our operations. Höganäs’ Global Covid-19 contingency team is responsible for the handling of the current Covid-19 pandemic.

For more information, requests or proposals, please contact your local Höganäs sales representative.

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Emma Lefdal
VP Corporate Communications