Our suppliers and partners are important to us and our business, it’s together with them we achieve our goals and visions. Being a supplier to Höganäs also comes with a grate responsibility in everything from sustainability and safety to cost efficiency. Whether you are already a supplier or not, you can read more about topics related to our suppliers and partners here.
Responsible sourcing
Höganäs strives to be a responsible member of society. For us it is of utmost importance to source in a responsible manner and not contribute to or be complicit in unlawful or unethical actions when we source products, components, and raw materials.
Code of Conduct for Suppliers
We adhere to high standards in business ethics in all our relations and operations, and we have a zero-tolerance policy on all kinds of bribery and corruption. This engagement forms the basis of the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Purchase terms and conditions
Our purchase terms and conditions govern how to do business with Höganäs.
Local terms and conditions: