Code of Conduct and other policies
Our Code of Conduct helps to make sure that our employees understand what is expected of them, and provides guidance on business standards and daily practices. This is just one of the many ways that we continually reinforce our corporate values.
To keep pace with the changes in the world and in our markets, the Code of Conduct is regularly reviewed, updated and reissued to ensure its relevancy and comprehensiveness.
Internal Code of Conduct
The Höganäs Group Code of Conduct has been adopted to state the principles by which the Group conducts its relations with business partners, shareholders, employees and the community. It applies to Board members and all employees of the Höganäs Group.
Code of Conduct for Suppliers
We adhere to high standards in business ethics in all our relations and operations, and we have a zero-tolerance policy on all kinds of bribery and corruption. This engagement forms the basis of the Supplier Code of Conduct and puts explicit demands on our suppliers regarding human rights, business ethics, employment and other social and environmental prerequisites.
We also expect our suppliers to meet these requirements and apply the same approach outlined in the Supplier Code of Conduct in their supply chains.
Höganäs Anti-bribery policy
The policy regulates how we as a company look upon bribes in contacts with customers, suppliers and representatives. It concerns everyone who acts on Höganäs behalf, i.e. management, employees, agents and other third parties. The policy goes hand in hand with our Code of Conduct and how we as a company should act to be a good citizen.
Encouragement to speak up, whistleblower function
We are committed to always comply with laws and our internal regulations. We have zero tolerance for corruption and we constantly work with building and maintaining trust and credibility with our customers, partners, employees, suppliers, owners and other stakeholders.