How steel shapes a better future
Steel’s central role in the development of our society means that we who work in the steel industry have a special responsibility. That is why steel companies in Sweden, including Höganäs, have agreed on a vision for 2050: Steel shapes a better future. This vision is meant to show how the steel industry now actively participates in the ongoing shift to a sustainable society.
Read about Vision 2050 @jernkontoret.se Climate roadmap @jernkontoret.se
Every day the steel industry in Sweden contributes to society worldwide through its products. Now it intends to become an even more active participant in the ongoing shift to a sustainable future – taking greater responsibility for people and the environment. In March 2013, the steel industry in Sweden therefore decided to adopt an industry-wide vision leading up to 2050: Steel shapes a better future.
This vision consists of three undertakings:
- We lead technical development – our research and innovation revolutionize technology for tomorrow's society. Our steel constantly challenges the frontiers of engineering.
- We nurture creative individuals – our working environment fosters new solutions for communities through global collaboration. Our creativity constantly challenges the limits of contemporary thinking.
- We create environmental benefits – our production uses resources so efficiently that only products of value to the community leave our plants. Our ambition constantly challenges the limits of the possible.