

Health and safety at Höganäs

We are operating in an advanced technical industry with production of metal powders, where safety always comes first. Our vision is zero accidents and we have set a target to be the benchmark in the steel industry.

However, our track record shows that we still have a long way to go and that ‘safety first’ needs to remain our priority. In order to work systematically to reduce risks and prevent accidents, our operations have health and safety management systems that cover all activities and co-workers, and all our production plants are certified according to ISO 45001.

Our health and safety committees meet on a regular basis up to four times a year and include all levels of the organization, from shop floor to management levels. All co-workers are covered by the work of the health and safety committees. The purpose is to create a formal way of collecting knowledge from all levels in the organization, open a dialogue and create a forum where improvements can be discussed and decided upon.

All co-workers must undertake mandatory health and safety training that has been adapted to their individual work-related risks, while all new co-workers must undertake general safety training as part of their induction process.

We use a global incident and risk reporting system (MIA). This tool is used by all co-workers to report incidents including accidents, near misses and risk observations. MIA also supports problem-solving, investigation reports and actions. Developing and sharing best practice within the group aids the local initiatives. We also follow a targeted leading indicator to reduce the risk level in all workplaces. This metric is called the ‘risk reduction number’ (RRN) and is based on the reduction of risk points after the implementation of corrective actions to any identified safety risk.

Saftey first at Höganäs

Next-level clean factories

Höganäs works proactively to eliminate exposure to dust and hazardous substances in the workplace as much as possible – far beyond current regulations. The need for personal protection equipment should be reduced to a minimum, and we have set ambitious target levels for two indicator elements – cobalt and nickel – to be reached by 2020 at all our workplaces. All sites are fulfilling local national requirements, though not the tougher company requirements at all places.

An extensive programme to identify sources of dust release is ongoing, and improvements are underway. All production sites have identified special areas for improvement, where dust emissions can be reduced. Mitigation of exposure includes improving ways of working and training, but also technical improvements such as new dust filters and vacuum cleaners, and more enclosed and automated operations where powder can be released. This precautionary approach will be completed and maintained at the target levels.

Case stories

“We do not compromise on safety and have set a target to be the benchmark in the steel industry.”

Andreas Svensson
VP Health & Safety


