11.10.2016 Pressing & Sintering,Automotive & Transportation

Attracting new talent at World PM

Young Engineers Day is an attempt to raise awareness and interest in PM careers amongst young engineers. As a part of this, Höganäs hosted a group of students in the stand during World PM 2016 in Hamburg.

Close encounters with the industry and lots of opportunities to ask questions was the strategy for the day. After presentations on the basics of powder metallurgy – the materials, production route and application areas – the young engineers were off visiting a selection of exhibiting companies.

Sigurd Berg from Höganäs welcomed the group to Höganäs stand, giving an introduction to Höganäs' application areas and company profile, and what type of skills and talents the company is looking for during the coming years.

– This day is a way for us to raise interest in the PM industry and attract new talent to our company, says Caroline Larsson, Höganäs.

Kaline Furlan, Hamburg University, was one of the young engineers visiting Höganäs booth. She also took the opportunity to ask questions during the event.

– During my PhD studies in Brazil, I used a lot of powder samples from Höganäs. I was always impressed by the good results, so I was very interested to learn more about your mixes.

The day ended with a session where the students could ask recent graduates now employed in the industry about their experiences. Dimitris Chasoglou, Development engineer at Höganäs, was part of the panel.

– We got a lot of questions about career choices, and whether to take a master's degree or continue with PhD studies, says Dimitris. The same type of questions that I had myself a few years ago! They also wanted to know more about what you actually do at work when you work as a development engineer. – Aboveall, I gave the advice to network – there is always a need for motivated people in our business.

Frida Wainult


Facts/About Young Engineers Day

Around 30 young engineers, mainly from mechanical engineering and material science, from four German and one Danish university took part in the day that was organised by EPMA, the European Powder Metallurgy Association. The purpose of the day, that was held for the third year in a row, is to raise interest and promote PM and possible career opportunities within the industry.

Sigurd Berg welcomed the students to Höganäs' booth at the World PM 2016 in Hamburg, Germany.


News & media contact

Emma Lefdal
VP Corporate Communications