Let us help you make more with less
Waiting for you at Euro PM2017 is our next generation of Fe+Cu+C mixes that helps you boost profitability by allowing efficient production of highly complex parts with reduced scrap, machining and environmental impact. We call it our high precision toolbox, a means to manufacture products at a new, unprecedented level of dimensional stability.
In Milan, you can also learn more about the world’s first 6 speed manual transmission with PM gear technology, still diligently acquiring more kilometres and raising eyebrows. We can now also share our experiences from boosting PM gear performance in this transmission to even higher levels through our novel PM gear designs. Let us show you how.
Welcome to visit us at stand 99
Don’t miss the networking evening on Tuesday, October 3, from 18.00-19.00.
Come join us for a drink at our stand.
1-5 October 2017
Register online at europm2017.com and get free entrance
with this promo code: EuroPM17-099
Milano Congressi, Milan, Italy