Höganäs India donates to local communities during the pandemic
Case story

Höganäs India donates to local communities during the pandemic

With the deadly second wave of the coronavirus pandemic sweeping through India in May 2021, Höganäs decided to help by providing local medical facilities in Ahmednagar, western India, with the resources they were urgently lacking to treat patients.

Three ventilators were provided to a public hospital that was in urgent need of equipment to treat coronavirus patients. The hospital is a 'free for all hospital' run by the government that serves people with limited means to pay for hospital care. Höganäs donated 60 hospital beds to a local medical station that was experiencing a bed shortage. In addition, a rural NGO hospital was supplied with an oxygen generator that eliminated their dependence on external oxygen suppliers. 

“We were happy to contribute to easing some of the critical resource shortages that the local healthcare facilities faced during the second wave of the pandemic,” says Sunil Muralidharan, Country Head at Höganäs in India. “We make such donations to urgent causes every year as part of our long-term corporate social responsibility work in India.”