Why choose sintered parts?
Cost-effective metal components are compacted and sintered
High formability is key when finding the right material and production method for a complex design. Producing components by pressing and sintering metal powder is a competitive method for a number of applications compared to other production technologies, especially for complex part geometries.
Sintered components are cost-effective as they are manufactured in large series with high productivity and low energy consumption. Simply put, it is cheap to press and sinter large series in one and the same tool, because the press and sintering furnace have high productivity and low energy consumption and cost.
When working with gear design, there are many aspects to consider. When it comes to high-volume production of gears, selecting the right material for your gear design is crucial. The three most important factors to consider that affect the choice of material are strength, durability and cost.
Metal powders are used in a wide range of industries and applications and are well suited as a material for gears as they offer many varieties of mixes and alloys that can be optimised for each application.
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