The optimal material for gears should offer a good high performance/low-cost ratio
Could metal powder be the best material for gears?
Is there such a thing as the ideal material for gears? When designing and manufacturing gears, the material used depends on the application; what it will be used for. Size, weight, performance and durability are factors to consider, and it goes without saying everyone wants to optimise production and material cost as well. Each material used for gear construction has a sweet spot where its mechanical properties make it is the perfect choice compared to other possible materials.
Optimised for each application
Metal powders are used in a wide range of industries and applications and are well suited as a material for gears as they offer many varieties of mixes and alloys that can be optimised for each application.
Low-alloyed iron-based powders are the best choice when the gear design requires a superior material strength. Höganäs has a great toolbox with deep know-how on materials and process routes to get the best performance with lowest total cost.
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Join Höganäs Academy and learn more about the capabilities and opportunities for pressed and sintered metal components.
In our online courses at Höganäs Academy, you get access to everything from an easy-to-read overview of what sintered components are and how they are produced to profound process know-how on how to optimise production efficiency and quality.