  • Additive manufacturing

Technical AM support closer to Asian customers

Advanced technical support is now available close at hand for our Asian-based AM customers.

During 2020, our dedicated engineers in Shanghai, China have built up both the technical capacity and competence needed to serve the additive manufacturing community in Asia. “Key success factors in providing excellent technical services are speed and geographical proximity,” says Carter Dong who has been taking intense AM training for the past year.

Since December 2020, the tech centre provides technical support for AM customers including customer service investigations, root cause problem solving and application development. The first assignment was carried out for a large company in the automotive industry. After having analysed and tested a base material for a pressing mould, the team recommended a switch to another and more suitable material, which is now being evaluated by the customer. The team has also made several root cause analysis by metallographic examinations and being able to recommend optimizations in print parameter settings and heat treatments.




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