Deposition techniques

Deposition techniques

Extend component life with HVOF and HVAF coating

High velocity oxygen-fuel (HVOF) and high velocity air-fuel (HVAF) are both thermal spray coating processes used to protect parts and structures from wear, erosion and corrosion.

The HVOF and HVAF techniques are used to enhance surface properties of components. This way, a low-cost or light-weight material can be prepared with a functional and high-performing surface. The techniques can be used to repair and restore damaged components.

The HVOF and HVAF coating techniques are used to apply coating materials such as metals and alloys to produce exceptionally hard coatings with excellent adhesion to the substrate material.

HVOF and HVAF are both thermal spray systems using combustion of gases. HVOF spraying combines velocities up to 700 m/s and higher with moderate temperatures. This process provides a very dense coating (> 97%). Deposition rates are up to 9 kg/hour, and coating thicknesses range from 0.05 to 1 mm. The HVAF process uses a fuel gas such as propane, propylene or natural gas, and compressed air.

High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) and High Velocity Air Fuel (HVAF) are both thermal spray coating processes used to protect parts and structures from wear, erosion and corrosion

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Courtesy of Jarvie Engineering Pty Ltd

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