

Sinter brazing

Sinter brazing is a well-established joining process for powder metal components. It is suitable for product designs where complex components are assembled from different compacted parts.

Sinter brazing for joining powder metal parts

Sinter brazing is a method that allows joining parts easily and efficiently. With a high quality sinter braze material, and the proper processing conditions, you will get a brazed joint which is generally as strong, or stronger, than the base materials being joined.

The process can be achieved within one step, combining the sintering and bonding, instead of the traditional two steps. By producing complex parts through simultaneously sintering and bonding, the sinter brazing allows to save time and reduce cost.

Sinter brazing material

This sinter braze material offers more efficient brazing compared to conventional braze materials. In addition to less sinter braze material needed, Sinter Braze 21 delivers stable mass production of components with improved joint quality and consequently fewer rejected components. In mass production the braze amount has been reduced by up to 20%.

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