Copper for industrial 3D printing applications
Copper powder is an ideal material for industrial applications requiring high thermal and electrical conductivity. It is suitable for electronics, components for electrification, induction coils, heat exchangers, rocket engine components and more.
Our pure copper-based alloy powders include forAM® CuCr1Zr and forAM® OFHC-Cu. Both products are highly spherical gas atomised powders. forAM CuCr1Zr offers combination of good printability with high thermal conductivity and structural strength at elevated temperatures. forAM OFHC-Cu is produced with the highest purity providing excellent electrical and thermal conductivity.
forAM® copper-based alloy (Cu)
forAM CuCr1Zr GA | 20-63 µm
forAM OFHC-Cu GA | 15-53 µm
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