Performance of Sinter Hardened P/M Steels
EUROMAT 2001, in Rimini, Italy. Authors: Barbara Maroli, Sigurd Berg, Mats Larsson, Ingrid Hauer. Cost reduction with maintained mechanical properties is the key to preserve the strong growth of the P/M industry. Heat treatments have since long time been used to achieve a martensitic structure either at the surface or throughout a part. By combining tailor made alloying systems with sinter-hardening the required amount of martensite can be obtained directly after sintering. Pre-alloyed materials like Astaloy A, Astaloy Mo with copper additions and Astaloy CrM are suitable for sinter-hardening. In this paper mechanical properties and performance of sinter-hardened materials are discussed. It is found that different materials are to be used depending on the process route. Material selection is of importance to benefit the most from sinter-hardening.