1. Electric motor<br>2. Transmission<br>3. Body and chassi

1. Electric motor
2. Transmission
3. Body and chassi

Electric cars

Are you looking for improved efficiency and lower cost? Höganäs can guide you to more efficient products and higher profit, using its Soft Magnetic composite technology for electromagnetic applications. Explore some of the products we make possible for electric cars. Contact Höganäs to discuss the opportunities for your business.

Electric motor

Electric car engine components

  1. Pumps
  2. A/C compressor
  3. DC/DC reactor
  4. Electric motors


Making electromagnetic components of soft magnetic composite (SMC) enable engineers to design more compact and cost-efficient electric motor solutions compared to using traditional designs.

SMC materials are made of iron powder particles coated with an electrically insulating layer. They can be formed into complex shapes, allowing three-dimensional magnetic circuit design. 

The three main benefits of SMC solutions for electric motor design are compact design, high performance and excellent cost efficiency.


Transmission components/gears

  1. Transfer case sprockets
  2. Planetary carriers
  3. Differential gears


Making electromagnetic components of soft magnetic composite (SMC) enable engineers to design more compact and cost-efficient electric motor solutions compared to using traditional designs.

SMC materials are made of iron powder particles coated with an electrically insulating layer. They can be formed into complex shapes, allowing three-dimensional magnetic circuit design.

The three main benefits of SMC solutions for electric motor design are compact design, high performance and excellent cost efficiency.

Body and chassi

Components for chassi electric car

  1. Mirrors
  2. Shock absorbers


Höganäs has secured a leading role in contributing to high-volume production of crucial parts that need to withstand constant high loads.

Metal powder components offer enhanced strength and durability, particularly in components such as shock absorber rods, shock absorber pistons and mirror bosses, which contribute to the overall robustness of a car’s body and chassis.

The precise manufacturing process of the pressing and sintering technology allows for complex shapes and intricate designs, optimising structural efficiency while minimising material waste.

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