Deposition techniques

Deposition techniques

Versatile welding with plasma transferred arc

Plasma transferred arc (PTA) surface welding is a thermal process used to protect surfaces of metallic materials from wear and corrosion.

Plasma transferred arc is a surface welding method, which enables a metallurgical bonding with the base material. It is versatile as it can be used on most alloys.

The high-energy plasma transferred arc melts the surface of the base material. At the same time, the metal powder is inserted into the arc where it is molten. A substance-to-substance bond is created between the filler material and the base material during solidification.

The method can be fully automated and once the parameters are fixed for a certain design, consistent final results are achieved for all pieces.

The process is applied to many different components in a wide range of industries such as in the Oil & Gas, Automotive and Energy industries.

Plasma transferred arc or PTA is ideal for automated high-volume applications, such as thermal surfacing of exhaust valves. The technique offers low-base metal dilution and can be used with a wide range of consumables.

Plasma Transferred Arc (PTA) welding is a thermal process used to protect surfaces of metallic materials from wear and corrosion. Typical working range

  • Deposition rate: 2-12 kg/hour
  • Deposition thickness: 1 - 6 mm
  • Deposition hardness: up to 68 HRC


  • Suitable for automation
  • 1-6 mm thickness


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Courtesy of Jarvie Engineering Pty Ltd

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