Hard phase high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) powders
Surfit® hard phase powders
Surfit Ni self-fluxing + Carbide mixes
Höganäs offers a wide range of Surfit powder mixes with Ni self-fluxing (SF) alloys and tungsten carbides.
With a broad portfolio of Ni self-fluxing alloys in combination with different tungsten carbides, we tailor mixes to meet the application requirements.
- Ni self-fluxing alloys
- Amperweld® Tungsten carbides
- Amperweld CTC - Cast Tungsten Carbides
- Amperweld SCTC - Spherical Cast tungsten carbide
- Amperweld MTC - Macroline Tungsten Carbide
- Amperit® Tungsten carbide cobalt
- Amperit 519 WC-Co 88-12
- Amperit 526 WC-Co 83-17
Please contact your local Höganäs sales representative to find a matching Surfit mix for your application.
Particle size: -
Chemistry: -
Powder type: Blended
Typical deposition techniques: Flame spraying, HVOF, laser cladding, plasma transferred arc (PTA), powder welding
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