Powder innovation in other areas
Additional Industries
Inspiring industries with metal powder solutions
As the world’s largest supplier of metal powders, with in-depth experience across numerous application techniques, our expertise is wide and varied.
Höganäs is at the forefront of 3D printing in the healthcare sector, providing durable metal powder solutions for customised medical implants and complex surgical tools. For the past 70 years, we have designed powders for welding consumables, meeting the precise specifications of a diverse range of customers. Our fine iron powder is even used to fortify food, helping to combat anaemia.
In the agricultural sector, our resilient surface coatings have dramatically improved the operating life of harvest equipment and ground engagement tools. More recently, Höganäs has devised a low-density powder that offers greater design flexibility, making it suitable for sintered armour plates used in body armour, among many other product components.
Ultimately, we believe the opportunity for innovative and sustainable powder metallurgy knows no bounds, and it is our mission to help a wide variety of industries realise its full potential.
Main areas of expertise
- Pioneers of metal powder for additive manufacturing, enabling lighter components, reduced environmental impact and faster time to market.
- Close working relationships with customers to help them problem solve and realise the potential for powder solutions.
- Diverse experience in a range of application techniques across a broad spectrum of industries.
3D printed tooling
Making use of metal 3D printing for the manufacture of tooling can save both time and money. Here, it’s vitally important to use the right additive manufacturing process as well as the right metal powder.
Metallpulver bidrar till hållbar utveckling
Metallpulverteknik erbjuder obegränsade möjligheter. Våra kunder kan inte bara reducera material- och energiförbrukning, utan också utnyttja nya och bättre lösningar som gör slutprodukten effektivare och billigare.
Vi tror att den inbyggda kraften i metallpulver kan användas i betydligt större utsträckning än vad som är fallet idag. Vi är också övertygade om att metallpulver kan bidra till en hållbar miljö. Med metallpulverlösningar kan vi bidra till att lösa många problem i samhället, till exempel resursbrist och behov av förnybar energi.