Building innovative solutions – together
Construction & Mining
Metal powder technology for mining and construction equipment
At Höganäs, we understand the drive for resilient, high performance machinery that can withstand the demanding environments found in construction and mining.
Using the latest laser cladding technology, our exceptionally resistant metal powder surfaces can dramatically prolong the lifetime of a range of excavation and road building equipment, including bucket wear plates, digging teeth and hydraulic parts.
Höganäs has successfully replaced hazardous chrome plating with hard metal powder coating on hydraulic cylinder rods used for lifting heavy loads in mining. As a result, superior metallurgical bonding has minimised porosity, enhancing corrosion resistance and eliminating the risk of cracking.
We believe the potential for metal powder solutions in this industry area is limitless. We are trialling our ideas in other application areas, paving the way for safer, more cost-effective and sustainable alternatives to current processes in construction and mining.
Our main areas of expertise
- The ability to introduce new applications, such as net components that reduce material waste and stronger surfaces that minimise customer downtime, in complex mining and construction operations.
- Bespoke metal powder technologies to suit specific application techniques.
- Problem solving in close partnership with our customers.
- A legacy of reliable, high quality metallurgy solutions and an in-depth knowledge of a range of application areas relevant to this sector.
Metallpulver bidrar till hållbar utveckling
Metallpulverteknik erbjuder obegränsade möjligheter. Våra kunder kan inte bara reducera material- och energiförbrukning, utan också utnyttja nya och bättre lösningar som gör slutprodukten effektivare och billigare.
Vi tror att den inbyggda kraften i metallpulver kan användas i betydligt större utsträckning än vad som är fallet idag. Vi är också övertygade om att metallpulver kan bidra till en hållbar miljö. Med metallpulverlösningar kan vi bidra till att lösa många problem i samhället, till exempel resursbrist och behov av förnybar energi.