Advanced ceramic powders

Advanced ceramic powders

Powders for advanced applications

Höganäs is a renowned manufacturer of high-quality ceramic powders for a diverse range of applications. We offer one of the most extensive material portfolios in non-oxide ceramic powders, specializing in boron, boride, carbide and nitride powders. Our high-quality products are utilized in applications such as thermal management, automotive pyrotechnics, technical ceramics, solar and electronics.

Our business is defined by our customer focus and customer partnerships, which have made us one of the most successful ceramic powder manufacturers worldwide. Höganäs' experts continuously provide customers with technical support as well as with a wealth of material knowledge.


In addition to our vast portfolio of standard grades, we also engineer ceramic and metal powders on a customer-specific basis, aligning various factors such as chemical composition, particle size distribution and morphology to meet our customers’ exact requirements.

Our advanced ceramic powder solutions

Our extensive portfolio of advanced ceramic powders includes the following material groups:


Our distribution network

Throughout the world, Höganäs is represented by its sales offices and agencies. We offer regional technical support and short response times. This is the key in providing an individualized, highly flexible service.

For samples and small quantity orders (a few grams up to 100 kgs) our longtime distribution partner abcr GmbH is the ideal partner for customers, research institutes or universities having small volume requirements (contact: [email protected]). Of course, all documentation, i.e. specifications and certificates of analysis are issued by Höganäs.

Contact us

Sales & Technical support
Contact your sales representative for more information and requests.
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