Inductor Solutions
Unique flexibility for electronics design
Inductit – a compact, high-performing inductor concept
Inductit® is a compact, high-performing inductor based on the latest metal powder technology from Höganäs. A unique powder composition makes it possible to manufacture smaller and lighter inductors with drastically lower energy losses.
A neat, compact inductor paves in turn the way for the production of slimmer, more streamlined inverters that can squeeze into smaller spaces and be more efficient. Discover Inductit, and get ready to develop the next generation of high-performing, compact and competitively priced inverters.
Centre of Excellence
Today’s highly competitive industrial and automotive business requires you to make product changes more frequently and ramp up to full production faster. Time to market is absolutely critical.
That is why we have devised a swift and simple start-up process to help you get going.
Ready for rapid product start-up?
Find out how Inductit® can lower your production costs and solve your supply problems at the same time improving the performance of your products.
Fill in the inductor design request form and send it to: [email protected]
Innovation is the foundation
Inductit has been developed at Höganäs by the cutting edge teams that work with material development and electromagnetic design at our laboratory in Sweden. Backed up by the experience and resources of our worldwide R&D organisation, we look forward to partnering with new customers. By leveraging our combined strengths, we will help this exciting young sector grow apace with the market.
Production and supply
At Höganäs, we have a unique supply chain in place controlling all steps of the production. This enables us to deliver customised inductor solutions where and when you need them.
Thanks to a solid distribution network and established global logistics solutions we are always close to you and offer your business the best prerequisites to grow with the market.
Contact us
Sales & Technical support
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