Get the most out of additive manufacturing

Get the most out of additive manufacturing

Find your metal powder for 3D printing with PowderFinder

Our 3D printing metal powder portfolio gives you the flexibility you need

Details make all the difference – we make sure they are a perfect fit for your goals. Alongside our more than 40 years of experience in gas atomized metal powders, we offer you a broad portfolio of 3D printing powders.

At Höganäs, we have designed our high-quality 3D printing metal powders for the special requirements of additive manufacturing. Manufacturers all over the globe achieve optimal results with our products and value them for the following characteristics.

  • Excellent flowability
  • Good spherical shape
  • Controlled oxygen and nitrogen content
  • Full density and high packing density
  • Perfect reproducibility
Find your 3D metal powder with PowderFinder    Get there now


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Ett fel uppstod

Why Höganäs? – Because we create your metal 3D printing powder

  • Your AM optimised metal powders are produced by us
    We have designed our high-quality forAM® powders for the special requirements of 3D printing.
    They are fully dense, have a high packing density, an excellent flowability, a spherical shape and are perfectly reproducible.

  • You need the powder we create
    To meet your specific individual requirements, we design the chemical and physical properties of our metal powders for 3D printing, aligning various factors such as chemical composition, particle size distribution and morphology.
  • We produce the quantity you need
    We can produce any quantity of your customised powders, from lab scale up to medium or industrial scale production to support you properly through the various stages of your product development.
  • We are your consistent high-quality supplier
    At Höganäs good is not enough. We supply consistently high-quality metal powders for 3D printing: We have always had the mindset to improve our processes. With our advanced gas atomisation plants and fully controlled processes, we provide superior products with a constant high quality.
  • You benefit from our long experience
    Benefit from our in-depth application expertise and several decades of experience in gas atomisation. We are always on track with latest market and product trends due to our extensive engagement in scientific networks.

Find out more about customer-specific
3D printing powders


Why Höganäs? – Because we create your metal 3D printing powder