Boride ceramic powders
Due to their hardness, chemical, and thermal resistance, borides are materials meeting the highest demands. They are are used, for example, in high-temperature furnaces, turbine blades and armor plates. The most significant boride is titanium boride (TiB2), which is characterized by its high hardness, high melting point at over 3.200 ° C and its electrical conductivity; it is used for the production of evaporation boats. A number of various borides can be produced and be supplied into different industries.
Lanthanum Hexaboride (LaB6)
Other grades, i.e. coarse and fine powders are available upon request.
Typical applications
- Hot-pressed composites of excellent electrical conductivity, e.g. evaporation boats (TiB2-BN or TiB2-BN-AlN) for continuous aluminum metallizing
- Crucible material for non-ferrous metals (Al, Cu, Mg, Zn, etc.)
- Ceramic shapes to be used in production of Al in Hall-Héroult cells
- Hot-pressed TiB2 armor plates
- Cutting tools and cermets, used for machining aluminum
- Metal Matrix composites (MMCs)
Chromium Boride (CrB)
Other grades, i.e. coarse and fine powders are available upon request.
Typical applications
- Hot-pressed composites of excellent electrical conductivity, e.g. evaporation boats (TiB2-BN or TiB2-BN-AlN) for continuous aluminum metallizing
- Crucible material for non-ferrous metals (Al, Cu, Mg, Zn, etc.)
- Ceramic shapes to be used in production of Al in Hall-Héroult cells
- Hot-pressed TiB2 armor plates
- Cutting tools and cermets, used for machining aluminum
- Metal Matrix composites (MMCs)
Chromium Diboride (CrB2)
Other grades, i.e. coarse and fine powders are available upon request.
Typical applications
- Hot-pressed composites of excellent electrical conductivity, e.g. evaporation boats (TiB2-BN or TiB2-BN-AlN) for continuous aluminum metallizing
- Crucible material for non-ferrous metals (Al, Cu, Mg, Zn, etc.)
- Ceramic shapes to be used in production of Al in Hall-Héroult cells
- Hot-pressed TiB2 armor plates
- Cutting tools and cermets, used for machining aluminum
- Metal Matrix composites (MMCs)
Titanium Diboride (TiB2)
High purity powders, coarse and doped powders are available upon request.
Typical applications
- Hot-pressed composites of excellent electrical conductivity, e.g. evaporation boats (TiB2-BN or TiB2-BN-AlN) for continuous aluminum metallizing
- Crucible material for non-ferrous metals (Al, Cu, Mg, Zn, etc.)
- Ceramic shapes to be used in production of Al in Hall-Héroult cells
- Hot-pressed TiB2 armor plates
- Cutting tools and cermets, used for machining aluminum
- Metal Matrix composites (MMCs)
Zirconium Diboride (ZrB2)
Coarse powders are available upon request.
Typical applications
• See TiB2
• Antioxidant in carbon-bonded refractories
• Burnable absorbers for neutrons
Other boride powders
SiB6 and other borides are available upon request
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