ArcX technology centres
ArcX – the surface coating technology centre in Höganäs
ArcX technology centres are committed to supplying the best technical services to the surface coating industry. Our technical offerings are for you who work with coating applications and the starting point for innovation. By creating ArcX in Höganäs, we have established a centre point where your technical requests connect with our internal resources.
Driving your business
We strongly believe that the foundation of creating new business opportunities for you is in the power of developing close relationships, and supporting your visions and goals. At ArcX, our experts take your biggest technical challenges and help you with every step of the surface coating journey.
Being the number-one powder producer in the world, the Höganäs brand has come to represent reliability, consistency, and innovation. Once you partner with any of our ArcX technology centres, you will stand to reap the benefits of a true global partnership.
We are set up to support you in close cooperation on a global scale, sharing our expert know-how in materials, processes, and customer applications.
Jag godkänner att Höganäs hanterar mina personuppgifter för att kontakta mig. Min kontaktinformation kan även komma att användas för marknadsföringsändamål, som nyhetsbrev och annan relevant information. Uppgifterna kommer inte att delas med någon tredje part. I och med detta samtycke bekräftar jag även att jag är över 16 år.
Mer information om hur vi hanterar personuppgifter anges i vår personuppgiftspolicy.