Low-alloyed powders for Pressing & Sintering
Astaloy 85 Mo
Astaloy Mo
Astaloy A
Astaloy CrA
Astaloy® CrA is a pure pre-alloyed chromium (Cr) material for metal powder component production.
In medium to high-strength applications, alloyed only with carbon, it exhibits a fine pearlitic structure, which is robust and offers improved machinability.
Main product benefits
• Cost-effective Cr-solution
• Robust processing
• Attractive cost/performance ratio
• Excellent wear resistance after nitriding
• Low sensitivity to alloy cost fluctuations
• Sintered gears
Astaloy CrM
Astaloy CrS
Astaloy CrS is developed to meet the increasing future demands for sustainability, such as recycled raw materials, circularity, high material utilisation and low CO2 footprint.
Main product benefits
- Sustainable/circular
- Same mechanical properties as Fe-Cu-C
- High DC stability
- Improved machining characteristics compared to Fe-Cu-C
Distaloy SA
Distaloy AQ
Distaloy® AQ is a material optimised for manufacturing of heat treated metal powder components. The Distaloy powders are diffusion alloyed for maximum compressibility and strength together with good consistency of properties on the PM components.
Main product benefits
• Lean alloy – high hardened strength
• High compressibility
• Excellent machinability as-sintered
• Good sizing properties
• Distaloy precision
• Gear
Distaloy AB
Distaloy AE
Distaloy DC
Distaloy DH
Distaloy HP
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