Wear resistance High-speed and Tool steel
Höganäs offers high-quality tool and high-speed steel powders. A few special steel powder grades are also manufactured for wear applications in the same way as High Speed Steel. These materials are produced through a combination of water-atomization and vacuum annealing giving low oxygen contents and a very high degree of consistency. The powders are well-suited for component production by conventional press and sinter techniques.
High-speed & Tool steel powders
Special grades
Hard-phase additive powders
Hard-phase additive powders for usage in powder mixes for pressed and sintered components in wear applications are also offered. These additives are produced through water-atomization, gas-atomization or a micronization process.
Different types of hard-phase additive powders with either Fe-, Co-, W or Mo-base are available. Using these additives in powder mixes for PM components enhances the wear properties and they can also improve machinability and lubrication.
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