A brighter future for everyone
Energy & Thermal Management
Innovative energy solutions
At Höganäs, we strive to provide innovative metal powder technology that meet the ongoing challenges of the progressive energy and thermal management sector.
We work in partnership with our customers, providing successful powder surface coatings that are able to withstand the extreme conditions found in energy production, prolonging operating life and improving cost-efficiency. Our thermal barrier surfaces are exceptionally resistant to the high temperatures found in industrial gas turbines. They also dramatically improve the lifespan of machinery used in the abrasive, high-pressure drilling environments of the oil & gas industry.
Höganäs continues to deliver pioneering thermal management solutions for complex heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) applications. We remain at the forefront of metal powder inductor production, offering flexible, compact electronic design possibilities, lower manufacturing costs and enhanced performance, in particular for heat pumps and industrial air conditioning, but also within the solar energy sector.
From soft magnetic composites that enable small and efficient electric motors for HVAC compressors and fans, to premium brazing paste for heat exchangers that harvest solar power, our unrivalled range of products and expertise in both thermal management and renewable energy is growing. We believe the opportunities for sustainable metal powder innovation in this constantly evolving industry area are limitless.
Our main areas of expertise
- Global leaders of highly resilient metal powder surface coatings, suitable for a range of applications within the energy sector.
- Pioneering inductor and soft magnetic composite technology that meet the sustainability demands of the renewable energy sector.
- A strong focus on identifying and developing sustainable values for our customers and partners.
- A long tradition of innovation and close working relationships within this industry area, fundamental to finding and developing effective solutions for the future.
Metallpulver bidrar till hållbar utveckling
Metallpulverteknik erbjuder obegränsade möjligheter. Våra kunder kan inte bara reducera material- och energiförbrukning, utan också utnyttja nya och bättre lösningar som gör slutprodukten effektivare och billigare.
Vi tror att den inbyggda kraften i metallpulver kan användas i betydligt större utsträckning än vad som är fallet idag. Vi är också övertygade om att metallpulver kan bidra till en hållbar miljö. Med metallpulverlösningar kan vi bidra till att lösa många problem i samhället, till exempel resursbrist och behov av förnybar energi.