Stator components for electric traction motors
Electric motors

Stator components for electric traction motors

The Axial Flux Permanent Magnet (AFPM) machine is an attractive substitute to the radial flux machine due to its compact construction and high torque- and power density. When designed correctly, the AFPM can deliver higher torque-to-weight ratio, better efficiency and lower thermal and noise problems.

Höganäs soft magnetic composite solutions offer cost-efficient net-shape production and unique 3D flux properties, which makes them the optimal choice for AFPM machines and yokeless and segmented armature topology. Pre-wound slide-on and tightly wound coils and topologies for short axial length make it possible to achieve significantly smaller motor volume, higher torque density and overall high performance for HEV drives or in BEV.



Benefits of Höganäs’ solution for electric traction motors:

  • Cost-efficient net-shape production
  • Compact design due to tightly wound coils and topologies for short axial length
  • High performance and high torque density
  • Thermally isotropic core and tight coils enable enhanced cooling


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