Rhenium pellets
Used for turbine superalloys
The rhenium pellets produced by Höganäs are light-gray tablets sintered under hydrogen. They are approx. 4 mm thick and have a diameter of approx. 10 mm. They are used in the production of superalloys needed for high-pressure turbines in the aviation industry and industrial gas turbines.
A high degree of chemical purity for perfectly formed crystal structures
The rhenium pellets produced by Höganäs feature the highest degree of purity and consistent, certified product quality, which we guarantee. The high degree of chemical purity makes it possible to manufacture superalloys with perfectly formed crystal structures. The pellets’ solidity and uniform geometry makes it easy to accurately measure out exact quantities in foundry operations.
Our service portfolio also includes comprehensive application technology support for product selection and process optimization as well as customer-oriented product modification and enhancement. To ensure a sustainable supply of raw materials, we also offer rhenium recycling from used products, for example used catalysts or turbine blades and processing residues. Recycling is offered either by purchasing used materials or by reprocessing a certain rhenium product.
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